Monday, May 10, 2010

YW Zion's Camp Menu & More......

Young Women Camp 2009 (148 girls, 31 adults)

6:00 Dinner (30 people) Haystacks (curry chicken x 3)
Mandarin Oranges (1 gal.)
Pineapple Tidbits (1 gal.)
Olives (1 gal.)
Cheese (5 lbs.)
Chow Mien Noodles (1 gal.)
Rice – 6 cups

Snack Popcorn – Peanut Butter / Carmel

Breakfast (30 people) Biscuits x 8
Sausage Gravy (3 lbs.)
Sunny Delight (2 gallons)
Milk (2 gallons)

Snack Otter Pops (2 boxes – 400)

11:30 Lunch (70 people) Pigs in Blanket
Broccoli Salad x 5
Berry Fluff x 3

5:00 Dinner Hamburgers / Buns (200)
Sliced cheese – 125
Grilled Onions – 10 lbs.
Ketchup – 1 gal.
Pickles – 2 gals.
Macaroni Salad x 20
Orange Dream Fruit Salad x 20
Chips – 5 bags

7:45 Snack Cinnamon Rolls (10 batches)
(3 pkgs. Br. Sugar, 6 lbs. margarine)
(frosting – 3 pkgs. Pwd. Sugar, 3 ¾ lbs. Margarine)


8:00 Breakfast French Toast x 25
Bacon (2 boxes)
Eggs (9 flats)
Syrup (1 gal. maple, ½ gal. boysenberry)
Orange Juice ( 5 gal.)
Hot Chocolate (10 gal.)

12:00 Lunch Tacos (40 lbs. hamburger, 2 bottles taco seasoning)
Lettuce (4 bags)
Sour Cream (10 lbs.)
Olives (1 ½ gals.)
Cheese (10 lbs.)
Onions - 2 ½ lbs.
Shells (240)
Jell-O (5 lrg. Pkgs.)

5:30 Dinner Turkey Enchiladas
Salsa (2 gals.)
Watermelon (6)
Cantaloupe (9)
Grapes (4 pkgs.)
Carrots (4 bags)
Broccoli (3 bags)
Dip (2 bottles)
Leftover Salad

8:00 Snack Brownie Pizza x 20
(5 lrg. Pans, cut 5x8)

8:00 Breakfast Pancakes (25 lbs.)
Eggs (9 flats)
Syrup (1 gal. maple, ½ boysenberry)
Orange Juice (5 gals)
Hot Chocolate (10 gals.)

12:00 Lunch Sandwiches (200)
Ham (200 slices)
Turkey (200 slices)
Miracle Whip
Pickles (1/2 gallon)
Lettuce – 4 heads
Chips – 5 bags
Grapes / Bananas - leftover salad, vegetables

5:30 Dinner Pork Roast (75 lbs.)
(230 people) Cheesy Potatoes (x11)
Pistachio Salad (x 16)
Frog Eye Salad (x 4)
Carrots (3 bags)
Broccoli (3 bags)
Dip (2 bottles)

8:00 Snack Rice Crispy Logs (x 12)

8:00 Breakfast Egg McMuffins (150)
English Muffins (150)
Ham (3 lbs.)
Eggs (6 flats)
Cheese, sliced (150)
English Muffins / Toast (45)
Jam (2 bottles)
Peaches (5 gals.)
Hot Chocolate (10 gals.)
Orange Juice (5 gals.)

11:30 Sack Lunch Pop
Grandma’s Cookies
Fruit Snacks
Crackers with cheese
Lunch Sacks

All the salads have been posted already, see: "SALADS FOR A CROWD.....AKA: YW CAMP SALADS".
Here are the other recipes:

1 c. chopped onion or onion powder to taste
1 1/2 t. curry powder
1 t. margarine
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 1/2 c. cooked cubed chicken
1/2 c. sour cream
milk - as need to thin to desired consistency
3 c. hot cooked rice (2 c. uncooked rice)

X 4
onion powder
6 t. curry powder
4 t. margarine
4 cans cream of chicken soup
4 cans cream of mushroom soup
6 c. cooked chicken
2 c. sour cream
milk - as needed
8 c. uncooked rice

3 qt. popcorn
1 c. sugar
1 c. karo
bring to vigorous boil and cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Remove from heat & add:
1 c. peanut butter
1 t. vanilla
Pour over popcorn and stir.

1 cube butter
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. karo
Mix and boil in heavy pan. Cook to softball (228). Remove from heat, slowly add:
1 can sweetened condensed milk
Pour over popcorn and stir.
Linda & I were roommates at Rick's college. This recipe came from our roommate, Tracy Stosish. We called it Nanny's Carmel Corn because her Grandma made it for us often and shared her recipe with us. This is good stuff!!!!

X 3
6 c. flour
6 T. yeast
1 1/2 c. sugar
2 t. salt
1 1/2 c. oil
4 1/2 c. hottest tap water
6 eggs
1 1/2 c. dry powdered milk
9 - 12 c. flour
(If you need further instructions you can see pg. 30 of the Atkinson Family Cookbook)

for the cinnamon rolls, spread dough with butter/margarine, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up into rolls. We put 24 on one cookie sheet.

8 lbs. powdered sugar
2 1/2 lbs. margarine
3 T. Vanilla
1 T. Salt
2 1/2 c. milk
Mix & frost while slightly warm.

Linda makes this triple batch in a big metal bowl. She uses her hand mixer to get things started and then she finishes up by mixing and kneading it my hand. She makes 3 or 4 batches of this X3 recipe. Then we used some of the dough for Pigs in a Blanket and made the rest into Cinnamon Rolls. Are these girls spoiled or what???

2 eggs - beat well and then add:
1 c. milk
1/4 t. salt
1 t. vanilla
1 c. flour
1 1/2 t. baking powder
1 t. cinnamon
Mix well and then dip:
10-12 slices of bread
Cook on sprayed grill.

50 eggs
1 1/2 gallon milk
9 T. Vanilla
25 c. flour
3/4 c. baking powder
9 T. cinnamon
13 loaves of bread

This is more of a battered french toast. It is relly good and a little more filling for hungry girls...

2 green anaheim peppers, chopped
1 bunch green onions, chopped
cilantro, chopped
Add and pulse, til chopped:
1 t. garlic powder
1 t. crushed red pepper
1 qt. tomatoes

16 green anaheim peppers, chopped
3 bunches green onions, chopped
8 t. garlic powder
8 t. crushed red pepper
2 gal. diced tomatoes
For this big batch we didn't have a food processor, so Linda purchased diced, tomatoes and we just stirred it all together. GOOD Stuff!!! Make sure you bring along a couple of bags of chips. The kitchen help will need them for taste testing!! (You wouldn't want to serve this without tasting it on a couple of bags of chips first) And then you will understand why Linda doesn't just go buy a couple of gallon of salsa. This is much much better!!! This is to serve with the tacos and chicken enchiladas.

Mix together:
1/2 c. chopped onion or onion powder
4 oz. reduced fat cream cheese, softened
1 T. water
1 t. cumin
1/4 t. pepper
1/8 t. salt
4 c. chopped, cooked turkey or chicken
Spread on & roll up: (You may want to mix in a little of the sauce with the meat too)
12 - 8 inch flour tortillas
1 can reduced sodium cream of chicken soup
8 oz. light sour cream
1 c. skimmed milk
1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese

chopped onion or onion powder
10 lb. reduced fat cream cheese, softened
7 T. cumin
70 lbs. chopped, cooked turkey or chicken
Spread on & roll up: (You may want to mix in a little of the sauce with the meat too)
240 - 8 inch flour tortillas
215 oz. reduced sodium cream of chicken soup
10 lbs. light sour cream
1 gallon skimmed milk
5 lbs. shredded cheddar cheese

Beat together:
1/2 c. margarine
2 T. oil
2 eggs
6 T. cocoa
1 c. sugar
3/4 c. flour
Mix well and spread onto a greased pizza pan. Bake at 350 for 14 minutes. Cool completely. Frost & decorate.

X4 = 1 pan (18x26x1)
2 c. margarine
1/2 c. oil
8 eggs
1 1/2 c. cocoa
4 c. sugar
3 c. flour

10 c. margarine
2 1/2 c. oil
40 eggs
7 1/2 c. cocoa
20 c. sugar
15 c. flour

1 c. powdered sugar
1 1/2 t. vanilla
1/3 c. creamy peanut butter
2-3 T. milk
Beat well and spread on pizza. Top with goodies.....M&M's, chocolate chips, marshmallows, peanuts, etc.....

20 c. powdered sugar
1/2 c. vanilla
7 c. peanut butter
2 1/2 to 4 c. milk
Be careful with the milk.....I got too much because Linda didn't have an amount, she just dumps.....and we ended up with lots of frosting.....but it was really good!!!

Another recipe that Linda made that they really love, is the Rice Krispy Logs. My version of this recipe can be found on page. 179 in the Atkinson Family Cookbook. Linda made 20 of these up ahead of time at home and froze them and wrapped them in foil. We just sliced them and served them. They each got 1 slice and you have to police the serving tables because they will want more than one.....

The CHEESY POTATOES that Linda refers to on her menu can be found in the Atkinson Cookbook on page 139. We would X5 the recipe to fill each roaster oven. I think we filled 3 roaster ovens.

It is a lot of work but rewarding as well. We were often brought notes and candy and even a bouquet of wild flowers Linda has changed the menu some thru the years so this menu has been tried and perfected. The real favorites have stuck and it was fun to see the girls anticipate their favorites. The real trick to success is don't get stressed. Linda is very easy going, she knows her stuff, and she is well prepared, the rest just happens and she really doesn't stress. She is great to work with. She does have a few rules that she absolutely doesn't bend on. In the cold mornings she likes to serve hot chocolate. They are never allowed to get any until the blessing is said and breakfast is ready. Otherwise it will be gone before breakfast. They only get one when it comes to the treats. She tells them if you take 2 that means your friend won't get one. She tells them if they know they won't eat it don't take it. It is funny how they think they should take it because it is there and then they throw it away. This is not like school lunch where it has to go on your tray. It is not fun to watch the food you worked hard to cook go in the trash. Especially when some went without. Portion control is sometimes a problem, once again, they have to be reminded that a friend or leader will not be eating if you take their share. We have what we have and when it is gone it is gone. They is not a store nearby. No one is going hungry but please be respectful of others. She was never harsh but firm. If someone stopped by the kitchen and said they were hungry we always managed to find something they wanted to eat. We saved our leftovers until the last day and then they were thrown away. Don't put all the food out at once. Keep some back because the leaders are usually the last ones to eat. We never allowed seconds until everyone had eaten. Sometimes we would put out a sign by the item that said PLEASE TAKE ONLY ONE. After awhile they seem to figure it out. For some reason the morning that we served the McMuffins we ran out and we shouldn't have. Since they were individually wrapped in foil they were sneaking and putting an extra in their pocket. I think they were surprised that they were so filling. Leaders did not get any and then too many to count ended up in the garbage. We should not have put them all out at once. Then we had to come up with something for the leaders to eat.

Another thing that we would do. In the evening we would crack all the eggs for breakfast into gallon pitchers so we would be ready in the morning. It really takes along time to crack 200 eggs. But I also learned that if you do get an egg shell in there you do not have to worry about it. It will settle to the bottom and stay there unless you shake it up or dump them out really fast. So don't try to fish it out, because you can't fish an egg shell out of a gallon of eggs even when you try.

Our day usually started at 6:00 am and we usually closed the kitchen at about 10:30 or ll:00. Since I am in the Young Women's I had girls up there and I did sneak away and went on a couple of their activities. But Kim & Linda pretty much stayed in the kitchen all day long. There wasn't much down time. If we sat down we were stitching baby blocks for the humanitarian project that the girls were working on. We each made one block, so there wasn't much down time.

The Priesthood brethern and our camp hosts were good to stop in and ask what they could do to help at meal time. In the morning especially you will need help with heavy stuff, like the hot chocolate and juice. (last year it was cold and they did not drink much juice) We also had 6 to 8 girls that were assigned to help put the food out and fill the water jugs before each meal. It was nice that we would have girls stop by and ask if we needed anything on occasion. When they were all supposed to be doing service we had a leader that came in and washed dishes for us for over 2 hours. She even returned a couple of other times to do it again. There are a lot of dishes to wash!!! Just like at home the kitchen is the heart of camp!!! Enjoy your time in the kitchen, it is time well spent!!! That is all I can think of right now!!


Alisha Youngberg said...

What a lot of work! Thank you so much for the ideas. It is good to know what foods are easier to feed to big crowds. I always get stuck knowing what to make.

Thomas E. Rogue said...

Wonderful blog, thank you for sharing these menus and tutorials, I will try

Lacey Making Teddy Bear Cookies