Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese Brownies

I did it!!!  For the past few months I have been trying to get my courage up to enter season 2 of the Real Women of Philadelphia Contest.  I would talk myself in to it and then talk myself right out of it again.  Kara and Justin had agreed to help me and since Justin is laid off the prize money would be very helpful.  For the Pillsbury Contest I just had to type up a recipe and send it in; and I have had lots of practice doing that.  But the thought of standing in front of a video camera was just about as scary as anything I could imagine.  But I finally schedule a time with Kara & Justin I so I was committed.  They showed up Monday afternoon and put Connor and Abbi down for their naps and we got started.  I don't remember the last time I was that nervous.  Justin was my patient and awesome camera man and my great producer.  Kara was our director.  Lisa was the babysitter when Connor and Abbi woke up and we still weren't done.  But we actually did 2 recipes and I mostly got over being nervous.  We did have several bloopers and I learned a lot.  I have plans for 1 or 2 more.....we will see if I actually keep my courage up.  This is week 4 of the 8 week contest and I can enter as many times as I want.  This week is desserts and I posted my first video entry today......Here it is:
And here is the written portion of my entry as well.

I made up this recipe a few years ago when I needed a fast dessert made with ingredients I had in my kitchen....and I have been making it ever since. I take these to picnics, banquets, receptions, graduations and everywhere.  This recipe will also fill 2 - 12 x 8 inch disposable foil pans and makes a great gift for a friend or neighbor.  I have always called them Cream Cheese Brownies but they really do require a fork to eat them; they are so gooey and moist and simply melt in your mouth.   I love desserts and since cupcakes recently started becoming so popular  I have learned that I can make this same cream cheese filling and drop a big spoonful into my cupcake tin that is half filled with cake batter.  As the cupcake bakes the batter surrounds the cream cheese filling making a wonderfully delicious filled cupcake without all the hassle of squirting that filling into the cupcake.  It works like magic and is great in any flavor of cupcake.  Sometimes I don't put in the chocolate chips, depending on the flavor.  I always keep Philadelphia Cream Cheese in my refrigerator so I am always ready to make this recipe.  In just 25 minutes you'll be eatin' one of the BEST desserts ever!!!

And since the actual recipe is already on here I won't post it again.  So until next time.....see y'all

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