Log Cabin Day Class - Feb. 16, 2009
Back to the Basics - In The Kitchen With Mom
Baking Powder Biscuits p.22
Cheese Muffins p.27
Quick Breakfast Cake p.59
Easy Mac & Cheese p.318
Grandma's Crepes p. 54
Potato Variations p.322
Just a few of The Atkinson Basics!!
Thanks, so much for putting together the class, it was wonderful and what a tribute to your mom to have you girls all together doing what she did best. We enjoyed it! Love, Renae
Three years ago you left this earth to watch us from above,
Often we have felt your presence and your love.
Daily we strive, to keep your legacy alive,
As we treasure all you stood for, we miss you more and more.
You are the best Mom anyone could ever wish for.